Andrew JD Hudson

10k in the Sunshine

Thursday, 24 April 2008


Last night: Having skipped the exercise Tue I had to get out, and the sun was shining and the blue skies were beating down on my lab all afternoon so I knew it was going to be an evening of running. 10k. I’d measured a route on Monday online using Gmap Pedometer along the road to Sonning and back along the River Thames, via Palmer Park and to home. This Sonning River route mixes road running for the first half of the route then running along the river, through grassy meadows for 2.5k then through paths and around Palmer Park up the hill to home. It took 47mins and I stopped 4 times: twice to do shoe-laces up, one to cross traffic lights, one to go for a slash (you get it all here!) on top of a long day at work this is not that bad a time. After having dinner with marion I cycled to Cesar’s to watch the Barca vs. ManU footie game. 0-0 result really exciting and tense Barca dominated the possession but barring ManU’s missed Pen and the odd Barca chance there was little on-goal shooting. ManU’s defense was impecable, and Barca couldn’t penetrate.

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