Andrew JD Hudson

Paint Headache

Thursday, 17 April 2008


Last night I had zero energy thus no running. Bah what a poor excuse, eh, I will try to go out tonight. Have party round our house tonight, and I am cooking cookies and crumble. Yesterday the lab was full of fumes from the painting that was being done to the chemical stores next door to the lab, thus the headache the lack of energy. I enrolled onto the Masters CIW course, had dinner and then watched the first half of “Before the Devil Knows you’re Dead” before catching the zzz’s. Wow yes it’s wonderful sunny outside, just been outside to walk to the newsagents. Had to get out into the fresh air after being trapped in here all day. Party at our house tonight, cooking cookies and crumble will try go running and get legs moving towards the 1/2-marathon on the 27th. Adios Amigos.

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