Andrew Hudson

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2019 Review

What a year 2019 has been!

What a year 2019 has been! I’m currently in France on holiday and looking back on what the year 2019 was for me. Work-wise I did loads of JavaScript including working on an Electron desktop application called Serene and its companion Chrome and Firefox extension. This uses loads of React, Node, and Firebase to handle all the data, as well as styled-jsx to handle the styling. Every day is a day for learning! I also worked on a big project using React on BrokerNotes. So all in all I grew a lot as a developer in 2019!

On the personal side we moved house to Wallingford, Arthur started primary school, and I re-focused on running again. Emma turned one, and Arthur four. There have been holidays and weekends away.


  1. Moved house

    • finally we’re in our house in Wallingford after renting in Cholsey for 9 months.
  2. Family

    • Arthur started school in September which has made life more interesting with two different locations to drop/pick up kids in the morning and evenings. He is enjoying school a lot and learning a great amount too.
    • We Travelled to Croatia for a holiday in June, then other holidays have been to France for a wedding, a family
    • Emma turned one and continues to deprive us of sleep. She has a very strong character.
    • Marion started a new job, and has also caught the running bug. It was amazing to run with her over the Christmas break so I’ll be looking forward to run with her in 2020!
  3. I Got Fit This year has been a year dominated with exercise and collecting Vitality Points. - Ran and exercised lots - Took a 6 week swimming course - Ran two trail half-marathons, a 10k and a Park Run

  4. Work

    • Worked on Serene all year learning lots of Electron; levelling up my React and Node and learning Firebase and CSS-in-JS with styled-jsx. On BrokerNotes I also used React with a big project being released in December that can be re-used in different projects next year.
    • Conferences:
      • React Advanced
      • WP Engine Summit
      • JAMStack Conference London
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