Andrew Hudson

Goals for 2014

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


My key goals for the current year are:

  • Improve my JavaScript,
  • Solve my Rubick’s Cube,
  • Do more exercise

Improve my JavaScript

Here’s why. I’ve been a web developer for 3.5 years and have over this time taught myself to do a range of different things with JavaScript: animation, canvas, ajax, json, and other functionality on a per project basis, but never have I felt that I fully understand everything that is going on and I want to change so that I have a better knowledge and build on that more advanced skills. To feel out of depth is a good thing and to have to learn is a good thing because you are out of your comfort zone and not bored with what your job so I think it’s an excellent challenge to learn something so varied and in ways complex.

Solve my Rubick’s Cube

Something I’ve always wanted to be able to do. Doing some every day and trying different tactics, I’m amazed that people are able to be able to solve this thing. Excellent for the brain and not in front of the screen!

More Exercise

Since moving house last August I have changed from my routine of regularly running and cycling to only commuting to work and back by bike. I’d like to change that this year (and further into the future!) and get out running at lunchtime (too dark in the evenings) and if possible get out on my bike on the weekend. Good for stress and physique.

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