Andrew Hudson

I heart Podcasts

Wednesday, 03 December 2014


So I’ve finally started to listen to Serial, downloaded a Podcasting app, and fell in love with This American Life, restarting my affair with podcasts. I used to listed to a lot of tech podcasts about 4 years ago when Zeldman was at the start of his Big Web Show series, and before that with TWIT but somewhere in between I lost interest. Perhaps it was listening about the day job while relaxing after doing the day job had lost its appeal. The quality of the output of Serial, This American Life and others is outstanding, and listening to interesting stories is an excellent way of relaxing, there’s even a way of listening through my Sonos to Serial (isn’t it amazing, technology adapting to different trends of use!) It is so simple to listen to, any room in the house, or at work or on my phone. What are the great podcasts to listen to? Which ones should I check out next (once I have caught up with Serial)? This post was inspired by the video in this verge article

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