Andrew JD Hudson

I'm Back

Monday, 25 June 2007


I have not written on this blog for the whole month of June so far so now’s the time for some catch-up. Life is great. Still running a lot, playing footie, going to gigs, and so on. I will write more later but first I will tell you about today. Running: absolutely throwing it down, as had done for the last 3-4 days, so ground was supersaturated and rivers of water were along the roads, paths and elsewhere. Steve, Paul and I did “Stables”, I left Steve on the decent, and Paul at base camp (the start) so had to keep going going going or Steve would (might) catch me up. Got supersoaked, only had shorts and a couple of t-shirts (red England shirt over HH base top) and sunglasses, latter really useful keeping water from eyes until woods where too dark. Final running through field soaked to bone and weighed my frame with soo much water it was challanging to run;)

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