June to July
Friday, 06 July 2007
Running: (a brief resume):: 30.May:ELT (extended Long Toll); 1st.June:??; 4.June: WW (Walter’s Wood); 6th.June:River; 8.June:PO(Post Office - new route); 11.June:Stables; 13.June:River (36mins); 15 June:WW; Short Stables; 20.June: Extended River; 25th.June:Stables; 27.June:WW; 2nd.July:ELT (38 mins); 4.July:River (35 mins). Played badminton for the first time in 7 months last night. I Fucking sucked. Personally I blame my new shoes, the new scorring system, that we were playing with feather shuttles rather than plastic ones… oh yeah and my knackered body after playing football at lunchtime. But all are excuses. Will see what happens next week.