Andrew JD Hudson

Monday Morning!

Monday, 07 June 2010


The weekend flew past and it’s Monday morning. Before I go to work I will tell you what’s been going on since last I wrote. I passed my penultimate CIW exam - CIW Site Designer - with 91%, went to London Web Standards (about accessibility), had my first ever IT job interview, to the (6th) annual Pidgeon Walking Weekend in (Herefordshire), and to my brother’s birthday drinks in London. Otherwise I have been learning about the Typographic Grid (with help from Mark Boulton’s site, and Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop” book) and learning some PHP. This week I am going away somewhere (either Bath or Brighton) to celebrate the three years that Marion and I have been going out together. Tonight I am going to London Web Standards which tonight is about HTML5 and Flash.

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