Andrew JD Hudson

Onwards into the future!

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Now that my first post of 2011 is under my belt I can feel confident to write some more. You see for me the more I write the easier writing becomes. Yes yes yes onwards with the post! In the previous post I wrote down the key highlights of what I did in 2010 and now in this post I will write what I hope to do this year.

Improve Fitness

I have not done much exercise since I changed careers back in August and I’d like to change this by doing more in the coming year. I’ve been playing badminton with my friend Rob but this is only every other week, I’d like to play more. Otherwise I want to re-start my running, go once or twice a week, and go swimming at the local pool once a week.

Learn French

Having proposed to Marion and having completed my Web-Design qualification I now have more time to do more studying and I want to re-start learning French. I plan to start a French qualification in February at the local university.

Learn more Web Languages

Already it’s the second week of January and I have been busy beginning my quest to learn Javascript so I can apply this knowledge at work and in my own projects. It’s something that I’ve long wanted to do and just before Christmas I began Sitepoint’s Javascript Live course. At work have also been learning some jQuery too. Secondly I want to learn more PHP so I can improve my skills within Wordpress (see next point) and have some experience with back-end web development.

Wordpress Theming

Currently 20% of the world’s websites are run using Wordpress which is the opensource blog/CMS platform which is also the platform that I use to run this blog. I have begun learning how to make my own themes and about how Wordpress works in greater detail. I want to become a Wordpress Themer (someone who makes themes, possibly to sell them or use them on other peoples websites).

Write and Read

I have already started to keep a log of all the books (currently it’s in a notebook but hopefully sometime I will add a page to this blog where I will detail them) that I have read which should motivate me to read more books. Second to this I want to write more too, both in the form of blog posts here and also to keep in better contact with friends. I know that this is a big list but hopefully I will be able to succeed with the majority of them. Until next time, adios amigos!

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