Seeing You
Thursday, 04 October 2007
Running: Thurs: “Lakes Dell Lane” in 53mins. Damn nice weather out: blue skies and sunshine, not too hot bit of wind perfect. Legs felt heavy from 2 previous days of running but kept going pace slowing a little (IMHO) in the final quarter. Weds: “Devil’s Highway Nature” (Crowthorne end first) in 43mins. Steady pace, with Underworld on mp3. Fantastic sunset, blue skies, quite cool [departure time:1644]. Tue: “WC” in 24mins. Steady pace, damp and cool. [1200] Overall I am feeling in better shape than last week. Tomorrow (Fri) I will take a medical for a clinical study for which I will write about more in the next weeks. But it does mean that there’ll be No brekki for me :(