Andrew JD Hudson

Summary of 2012

Monday, 31 December 2012


Here are the highlights of 2012:

  1. Married (two ceremonies, two parties, two countries)
  2. Honeymoon in Peru
  3. Two kittens - Inti and Punku
  4. London Olympics - Kayak Slalom and Road Race
  5. Getting New Job
  6. New website
  7. Lots of cycling and running

At the end of this year - twenty twelve - while listening to Joël’s band and trying out iA Writer I look back on what has been a very busy year. Most of the first half of the year was taken up with preparation for our marriage in France (9th June). The latter half was no less busy - Olympics, Kittens, a new website, and a new job. Since being here in France for Christmas I have finally started using the iPad for more than just internet, TV, Twitter, and game playing. I am using it for reading the eBooks that have been waiting patiently in my Dropbox. I think that getting my new job has focused me. I have to learn, to get better. The new job will be a lot more mobile orientated and the first two books that I have read are “Mobile First” and “The Mobile Book” (only on Chapter Two of this interesting book, and it’s excellent so far). I’ve also started reading “Designing for Emotion” and started using the Readability app to remove the excesses of design and allow me to focus on what is most important: reading!

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