Andrew JD Hudson

Tonight it snew

Monday, 21 December 2009


2 o’clock sharp: snow started falling from the dark grey clouds. 3-45 gets heavier and heavier. By the time its time to leave (1630) there’s a carpet of cars along the road and ten cm snow on the pavements. Times like this I feel lucky to have a bike. Not that cycling home was easy. Weaving in and out of stationary cars my eyes crammed shut to keep the snow from hitting my eyeballs and keeping the bike vertical to avoid sliding on the hidden black ice it was a beautiful and fantastic experience.We were going to do some christmas shopping but the shops closed early so their staff could get home safely. Still there are 2 more shopping days before Christmas. I cannot wait! Not been running for a week because of illness and the snow-ice-rain. I did buy a new pair of Nike Air Pegassus on Saturday and I am thinking of going soon. When the snow has melted or departed. We’ll see!

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