Andrew JD Hudson

Tweaky Ham Cycling

Sunday, 29 April 2007


Running: Not today :( Got up at 7am but still felt twinge in left hamstring so didn’t want to risk agrivating it. Is this okay? Cycling: after running to the train station (if you can call it running, and it bloody hurt) I find out the train (to Brighton) is late. Wait on the platform reading my book - “Big Sur” by Jack Kerouac - and keep on waiting. Realise it ain’t gonna come so I walk back up the hill to home. Find out that Ellie is home and go cycling with her, Alex, Henry and M&D. Great to see her, and was good to go out cycling too. Did a few sprints and fast sections but I’m really too fast to be doing that with this company;) Good to talk, gorgeous day out.

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