Andrew JD Hudson


Friday, 06 June 2008


In this insipid war-ravaged world writing has become something of a relic of the past when we have excellent music and, with the excellent viral video chart, excellent viral videos, huzzah! Yes so what am I getting at? To be honest I’ve no idea. Have you? Viral Video Chart currently has pork and beans at #1. and this one too Yikes have you seen it? Walking with one humpy mud-yellow sock hanging out of his jeans rear pocket and the other smouldering in the sweat of his right wellington boot (itself caked in last years horrific glastonbury festival boogie mud), stepping one foot before the other and working through the stages to getting up. Up up UP he gets and grabs reluctantly unsuccessfully at the biscuit jar crammed with rockie bars, he wants them so much to dunk into the grisly scank-tea discovered earlier in the microwave (it must have been left over from last night’s poker smoking session he recalls).

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