Andrew JD Hudson

Wedding and Website

Friday, 20 May 2011


Yeah it’s been really hectic lately, life that is! I’ve been working on a wordpress website for a designer called Kat, Marion and I have found a venue for our wedding and a date.


Over Easter we visited Marion’s parents in La Rochelle and went to see six different wedding reception venues to the south of La Rochelle and after much decision making chose Domaine du Seudre - between La Rochelle and Bordeaux - and picked a date too. It feels great to have these two key things sorted out and now we really can set about planning the wedding in earnest!


This is what I have been upto for the last 3 weeks solidly every evening and weekend day. I am really pleased with the outcome,, which went live earlier this week. I found out today that the customer has started putting content in the site and it’s interesting to see what’s happening! I learnt a hell of a lot about how to make a website in wordpress - utilising wordpress’ new content-management abilities, custom-fields, custom loops, cross-browser testing. I built it using HTML5 and CSS3 with fallbacks for less capable browsers using the excellent Modernizr Javascript library.

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