Andrew JD Hudson

Weekend and Studying

Sunday, 16 May 2010


Sunday afternoon and the birds are cheeping, otherwise it’s quiet and I am taking a break from studying. This week has been a busy one with my first ever Reading Geek Night with Mike Robinson talking about “HTML5 Today”, Mark Adams “Geeks are Gods”, Chris Alexander on “Darks arts of SEO” and Workhouse Coffee’s “Coffee Geeks”. Wednesday we went to see Foals play at the Academy in Oxford, preceded by an excellent meal in Coco on Cowley Road. Thursday night. Otherwise this week I have been studying and coding.


Currently on the coding side of things I am working on putting the top 3 (or 5) headlines, with a small summary, on the main page of my site So far I have succeeded in getting information e.g. headline, summary on a page on my test site but that still needs some more work before it will go on my main site. Also I have been working on some JS and PHP.


This week has been intense. I have been doing lots of online mock exams as well as practising areas that I need to improve on. This morning and last night I took 3 online “Full Exam” exams and scored 93% then 96% respectively. I think I am ready for the proper exam and to move onwards.

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