Andrew Hudson

Zwifting Season re-starts

Tuesday, 19 November 2024



Instead of doing epic bike rides or runs I have concentrated this week on either using Zwift to do a 30 minute session or a flat river-side loop when running. Much more manageable to do!


Just three lessons left of my A2 French course at the Alliance Francaise in Grenoble.


Cold then its not, then there is some snow on the mountain peaks around the city, then there is a warm day and its all gone.


Reading since last time: I finished reading the excellent “World Without End” by Jancovici - Blain. I then read the last of my birthday books “Mr Geography” by Tim Parks which was pretty good but had a very strange style mixing the past and present. Then I re-commenced reading “An Italian Education” also by Tim Parks, and last week started reading “Le Petit Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It is in French so progress is super slow because I am having to look up a majority of words but it is satisfying to be able to read at least something in French. Definitely more advanced than my A2 level!

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